Meet Our Team

We strive for diversity across the globe

We’re Ready to Help Your Pharmacy

Our customer service is unparalleled. We’re committed to helping independent pharmacies and healthcare professionals thrive in an ever-changing market, and we believe that our success is tied to your success.


Suren Ajjarapu

Founder, Chairman/CEO and Director

Prashant Patel, RPh

Founder, President/ COO and Director

Janet Huffman

Chief Financial Officer


Jariel Morales

Executive Vice President


Kelsey Wesley

Product Manager

Jeff Davis

IT Director


Neha Mandli

Systems Lead


Toshita Shastri

Systems Lead

Yvonne Farrell

Client Services Supervisor

Kristy Lindsay

Customer Service Supervisor

Grant Gilbert

Grant Gilbert

Marketing Specialist

Emma Lammers

Marketing Specialist